Thursday, August 16, 2012

Need something engraved? Try these guys:

They have great reviews and fantastic prices.
I'll update when I receive my first order!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Get Started with eCigarettes

Whether you’re vaping to quit smoking cigarettes (analogs) or to fill in for the times you are unable to smoke a cigarette, switching can have many health benefits. Most of which are felt as early as the second day.
Personally, I feel as if I am a non-smoker. The tastes and smells are back, the lung capacity is back. It’s wonderful to be free of cigarettes. No more sneaking outside at meetings, no more smelly clothes, no more cigarette breath. I absolutely love vaping and have (and will) recommend it to all the smokers I know.
But, the task can seem huge when you are just starting out. There are so many e-cigarettes on the market, there are so many methods, and there are so many choices to make. (And we won’t even get into the different mods yet!) Where do you start? Well, quite simply, at the beginning. What kind of smoker WERE you? A heavy (2 packs a day) smoker? A social smoker? A middle of the road kind of guy? Evaluate this to determine what type of e-cigarette will suit you best.
There are several things to consider when purchasing your first kit. The most important of this is that you are quite possibly not going to get it right on the first try. What works for you may not work for your friend and vice versa. With that being said, we’re going to try to get as close as possible to limit the amount of money you will have to spend.
For heavy smokers, you will need to place considerable priority on the battery. Certain e-cigarettes have longer lasting (but larger) batteries. The Joye Ego Mega battery boasts a huge 1300 MaH. This battery will last all day with near constant use. The drawback is the physical size. It has more power therefore it’s larger. Most people have no problem with this as it is incredibly convenient, however, it is very different than holding a regular cigarette. With any of the Joye Egos you hold it like you would a wand, with your thumb on the manual atomizer button. This is a very small price to pay for the quality of this product, however. There are few e-cigs on the market that will match the (genuine) Joye Ego in throat hit, battery life, and ease of use. Most accessories even fit the Ego since it uses the most common atomizer, the 510.
If the idea of an e-cig that closely resembles an analog appeals to you, try one with a PCC (Personal Charging Case). The PCC looks like a cigarette pack and usually holds two batteries and a few cartridges. The pack is charged over night with your e-cig batteries. During the day you can screw in whichever battery you’re currently not using and switch them out when they die. Thereby giving you lots of battery time, but a smaller battery. The Blu e-cig used to get a lot of complaints, and I’m not sure what they have changed but I have tried it recently and been very satisfied. It’s smaller structure and slick design makes it a great “going out” with e-cig. The only complaint I have is the cartridges. They don’t last very long, so to fix this, I took a bottle of juice with me and refilled whenever needed. It isn’t much different than taking my cigarette pack and lighter with me to dinner.

My personal kit of choice is a Joye Ego 900 MaH battery (which lasts all day, no problem) with a drip tip. The drip tip allows me to drop a few drops of juice at a time and completely skip the whole cartridge mess. I have loved this particular e-cig since I got it a year ago and I believe it alone has kept me from returning to analogs.
Obviously, my favorite part of vaping is the juice. I love the different flavors that are possible. Trust me, you haven’t lived until you’ve smoked a watermelon. I keep a huge variety on hand to keep it fun. I love to mix them and experiment, too. But, every once in a while I just want that “dirty” cigarette flavor and I’ll bet that you do too (especially in the beginning). Try the I Heart To Be Dirty flavor and you won’t be disappointed.
I’m happy to help all new vapers and if there is anything I can help you with please feel free to let me know. Vaping is something that I feel very passionately about as it has been the only thing that even came close to getting me away from cigarettes. Good luck!